Saturday, January 3, 2015

Minnehaha Falls

 Yesterday was pretty stressful for me. I spent the afternoon making cover letters, and sending them out with my newly spruced up resume to apply for internships. I will hopefully get hired by someone and start an internship this May! My anxiety was through the roof and I decided I needed to take today off and have some fun.My wonderful boyfriend and I decided to have a date day. 

So I bundled up (yes this includes my fleece lined leggings) and we headed to Minnehaha Falls. I grabbed my favorite Kate Spade bag, gold Fossil watch, and my roommates pearl necklace and earrings for accessories. My hair was quite a mess today. I worked out last night and showered at lifetime with their crappy shampoo and let my hair air dry. I don't do this often, especially in the winter but I braved to cold because I hate using a blow dryer on my hair because it is damaged enough already. 

I found one of my favorite sweaters (purchased from Target) from last year in the back of my closet and paired it with my new favorite plaid shirt from Old Navy and headed out to meet Geoff. The weather was a bit windy and chilly for my taste but we made it down to the falls with minimal difficulty. Be warned, if you plan to head over there the steps are extremely icy and you will want to wear shoes with some good grip and some mittens so you can hold on to the freezing cold railing without your fingers falling off. I think we each nearly died a few times on the steps but we made it down to the path. 

The creek was partially frozen over so it was a bit treacherous and if you stepped in the wrong place your foot would plunge through the snow and into the water. Geoff unfortunately found this out the hard way and was quite cold. There were many adventurous souls who climbed up behind the frozen falls but I wasn't feeling that brave and was incredibly hungry so we just snapped a few pics and headed back up the stairs. 

Not too far from the falls is one of my favorite burger places in the Twin Cities called the Blue Door Pub.  If you have never been before you should really try it out. They have the most amazing Juicy Lucy's or as the Blue Door Pub calls them "Blucy's" I have ever tried. My personal favorite is called "Cease & Desist" and aims to rival the Big Mac and of course is far more amazing than its McDonalds competitor. 

I left extremely full and satisfied and ready to slip into a food coma. Thankfully we had nothing else planned that night and were able to have a wonderful chill night full of blogging, reading, and watching movies. 

Photo Credit: Geoff Turgeon

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